• Mon - Sun: 09:00am to 01:00pm - 05:00pm to 09:00pm

Dr. Minu Mumtaz O.V

MDS, Specialist Dentist, Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Minu Mumtaz O.V

Dr. Minu Mumtaz O.V is our specialist pediatric dentist with over 11 years of quality practice in the field of dentistry. She commenced her dental education from Noorul Islam College of Dental Sciences, Kerala for her bachelors and thereafter pursued her Post Graduation in the field of Pediatrics and Preventive Dentistry from Yenepoya Dental College,Mangalore,Karnataka,India.Following her education she started her practice in various dental clinics across Kerala,India. Her proficiency in child behavior management skills is the highlight of her practice. Her treatment philosophy embraces a compassionate attitude towards the child patient which helps in inculcating positive attitude towards dental care and dental treatment among her patients. Her area of pediatric expertise involve Single visit Endodontics and Rotary Endodontics on milk teeth and permanent teeth, pulpectomy, pulpotomy, direct pulp capping and management of multiple carious lesions like nursing bottle caries/ early childhood decay. Dr Minu Mumtaz O.V is well trained in the management of trauma to young permanent teeth, Anterior aesthetic restorations as well as Interceptive orthodontic procedures involving habit correction. Her expertise broadens to even Minor oral surgical procedures including frenectomies (tongue ties), excision of mucoceles, space maintainers and most importantly comprehensive management of children of special health care needs including Autism and Down’s syndrome.